About Us
Have you spent years playing whack-a-mole with symptoms without ever having gotten to the root of addressing what is making you feel unwell?
So did we.
Have you been shuffled around through the medical system, moving from general practitioners to specialists and back, or told that symptoms were psycho-somatic, or all in your head?
Been there.
Have you been unclear whether your symptoms were physical or emotional? In the body or the mind?
Have you experimented with a range of alternative therapies without ever feeling that a single practitioner or modality was able to hold and conceptualize everything that was going on with your health?
Are you working with more than three wellness practitioners on a regular basis to help you manage your wellness?
Um hum.
Are you seeking to actually turn on the innate root drivers of wellbeing?
Isn’t that what wellness is?
Are you willing to be an active participant in your healing process?
We’re gonna need you to be.
The problem isn’t you.
60-80% of what brings people into primary care settings is stress-related.*
Stress-related disorders are always body/mind issues. They always have both physical and mental health/emotional components.
The Hearth Wellness Clinic began as an experiential testing ground for the Hearth Science, Inc. neuro- developmental model.
Our work centers autonomic physiology in the diagnosis and treatment of stress-related disorders.
This has led us to develop an entirely novel taxonomy of both disease and treatment.
Over the past 15 years, we have tested it with 15,000 people in 50 countries.
The Hearth Wellness Clinic is a concierge wellness service designed to structure individual treatment programs for individuals with stress-related conditions, including
chronic, toxic, and traumatic stress
early childhood adversity
complex post-traumatic stress injuries
complex chronic illness
gastro-intestinal disease
auto-immune disease
other diseases whose primary axis is the ANS
We focus on the healing and transformation of stress-related dis-ease, broadly defined, and support the creation of enduring wellbeing.